About us

Oscamike is here to give you the best business services you need


Strategize. Organize. Globalize.

About Us

Oscamike Vision Solution (OVS) is a crowdsourcing and freelancing marketplace that provides both online as well as offline job services.

Founded in 2018, Oscamike is a flexible and sophisticated workplace site that connects freelancers and employers globally. In addition to this, Oscamike also offers tailored offline job services to cater to the needs of people with limited access to reliable banking and internet services.

Oscamike Vision Solution is proud to provide the best quality business development services to None Governmental Organizations, Business start-ups and public institutions across South Sudan.


Our vision is to create a platform that is capable of generating reliable jobs and income for people, regardless of who they are and where they are located. We also strive to offer services that can help power progressive and successful businesses in the region.

Oscamike aims to help reduce unemployment and dependence on a single by diversifying the source of income while inspiring people to build their career paths. As an interactive platform, Oscamike helps in the globalization of the job industry by linking and networking people who have never met before. We also boost business by strengthening and randing their enterprises attractive to investors.


  • IT, Websites and Software
  • Business & NGO Development Services
  • Writing and Career Services
  • Sales and Marketing Services
  • Proposal Writing Services
  • Research Documentation and Production Services
  • Financial Services
  • Management and Planning Services
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Services
  • Recruitment & Human Resources

The Oscamike website functions as a marketplace where employers and freelancers can discover each other, market, buy and sell services online. Oscamike works as a comprehensive platform and simplifies the need to form extensive service contracts. In addition to hosting and maintaining the website, we also help resolve disputes for our users.

Anyone above the age of 18 with relevant transferable skills is free to use the Oscamike platform. Individuals under 18 are not allowed to use our platform as we do not permit child labour.

However, Oscamike does offer a separate tailored package for individuals under 18. This special package is designed to help primary and secondary school students find out how marketplaces function. This, in turn, will help them make better career decisions.

While we encourage everyone to use our platform, university and high school students must try it out. Oscamike can help individuals make money on the side, while also allowing them to build a viable career.

Oscamike Vision Solution works as a platform that provides crowdfunding and freelancing services. Our platform offers job opportunities to freelancers, while it also connects employers to the best talent.

While we serve individual freelancers and individual employers, our platform also supports businesses, enterprises and NGOS. Oscamike aims to provide job opportunities to millions of jobless South Sudanese people, as also help entrepreneurs practice and explore their talents and entrepreneurship potentials.

Currently, Oscamike Vision Solutions is looking to partner with other online marketplaces such as Freelancer, Fiverr and Upwork. Should these partnerships take place, Oscamike can hire employers who can work across all platforms. Our company is already in talks with investors who are interested in creating such a business model in South Sudan.

The idea to create Oscamike Vision Solutions came to Oliver Michael when he was completing his Master’s Degree in Environmental Policy. It was one of his core courses, “Doing Business in Africa” at the SciencesPo Paris School of International Affairs in France that inspired and motivated Oliver.

The course that Oliver took helped him change his outlook on the private sector. It also offered a welcome shift from everyday humanitarian approaches to solving human suffering. He understood that social enterprises and creating profitable systems could help meet vital human needs.

Moreover, Oliver himself had faced significant challenges in finding reliable employment after his graduation. These experiences led him to think out of the box, and he ended up establishing Oscamike Vision Solutions in 2018

Oscamike Vision Solution is proud to have a skilled and capable management team in place. Our team ensures to use resources wisely, operate profitably, pay debts and abide by laws and regulations.

The philosophy followed by our management team is based on teamwork, responsibility, and mutual respect. We operate in an environment that encourages creativity, diversity, growth and performance.

Our company management is spearheaded by our founder and general manager, Oliver Michael, who has over 15 years of humanitarian professional experience. He has held several executive positions and senior management roles with national and international NGOs based in Sudan and South Sudan. He was also the Country Manager for ICCO-Cooperation for Sudan and South Sudan for five years. Before this, he was the Senior Program Manager at VSO and also the Executive Director at the Institute for Promotion of Civil Society.

Apart from his full-time work, Oliver also founded MARC (Maridi Action for the Rights of Children), IPCS (Institute for Professional and Civic Studies) and ERP (Environmental Rehabilitation Program). He also helped develop Maridi Women Honey Value Chain Project and Juba Recycles. Oliver has also been instrumental in reviving Boruboru Women’s Game by creating the BNA (Boruboru National Association).

Armed with a wealth of knowledge covering national unemployment, lack of business development, development challenges and online employment services, Oliver has helped put Oscamike Vision Solution on the path of becoming a vibrant business development solution platform. Our freelancing model creates excellent job opportunities for millions of people in South Sudan.

Oscamike Vision Solution is based out of Rock City, right opposite the Rock City football ground in South Sudan. Rock City is strategically located centrally to the towns of Gudele, Jebel, Juba and Toping.

Business Marketing and Branding in South Sudan:

While lack of management skill may be a cause for business failure, this doesn’t hold true for many failed businesses in South Sudan. The most common reason for failure here is the lack of quality communication, the lack of marketing and branding and reduced visibility of products and services.

Because of this, SMEs and startups don’t stand a chance against large enterprises and foreign companies that invest heavily in marketing and branding. Consequently, startups and SMEs don’t look appealing to investors. Furthermore, startups and SMEs also face problems in securing loans from banks to boost their business capital.

How Oscamike helps businesses in South Sudan?

Oscamike aims to change the problems faced by SMEs and startups by providing affordable, yet high-quality services. In addition to connecting entrepreneurs to quality talent, we also help guide entrepreneurs to success through our professional business incubators.

Our skilled business staff can help you assess business proposals, create business plans and investment plans and formulate branding and marketing strategies. We can also assist entrepreneurs in raising capital or funds for their startup by providing recommendations or by negotiating with investors.

To avail support from our incubators, startups and SMEs must meet our set of standards and possess all required documentation.

How Oscamike helps support NGOs?

Our staff at Oscamike has an extensive professional as well as academic experience in NGO development and NGO management. Even if entrepreneurs don’t have an idea of what type of NGO to start, we can help entrepreneurs make a choice.

Our staff can guide budding entrepreneurs step-by-step in determining what problem they would like to address by creating an NGO. Also, we also prepare all the necessary documentation and take care of all formalities in registering an NGO in South Sudan.

Oscamike offers a full package of operational and strategic documents that are needed to establish and operate a credible NGO that attracts investors and donors.

Resume and Cover Letter Writing & Editing

Finding employment in South Sudan has become extremely difficult for young graduates as well as unemployed adults. The lack of proper writing skills prevents individuals from presenting themselves in the best possible manner to employers. This challenge is faced by job seekers in almost all sectors, ranging from the private and government sectors to NGOs.

The competition for jobs is incredibly tense in South Sudan, with 200 applications received on an average for a single job listing. Add to this poorly written CVs and cover letters, which makes securing a job that much more difficult.

Fortunately, Oscamike offers a solution to job-seeking graduates and unemployed adults. Our platform allows you to find qualified writers who can write and edit compelling resumes, CVs and cover letters. Furthermore, job seekers can expect to find suitable jobs on our platform itself. We’re here to change the unemployment scenario faced by the unemployed South Sudanese.

Looking to build a career or establish a business? Get in touch with us today!